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Budapest Memorandum, 1994. It was a promise of protection against any unprovoked aggressors.. in exchange for what? Nuclear arsenal... once bitten, twice shy...   Who signed the memorandum, Ukraine, Russia, France and United Kingdom. Who gave up nuclear weapon, Ukraine. Who was attacked unprovoked, Ukraine. Who broke agreement, Russia and its Western allies. Russia attacked a sovereign nation with a flimsy excuse, and the West failed to protect Ukraine other than giving them weapon needed too late, they offered the West wants to take Ukrainian minerals on top of all their losses. When I say some have lost any form of humanity.... this is an example.    African countries need to learn a lesson or two here... nobody, I mean no nation will save you and look out for your best interest if you don't look out for yourself... not the US, not China, not Russia, not UK or any foreign nation for that matter. When they give you one million in aid, know they are taking 1...


Those who conclude that the left does not have an answer for the chaos going on now are MISTAKEN.... I strongly believe that the silence is a deliberate strategy. How will they have tools and records to fight with if they do not allow the new king to wreck enough havoc? How will they tell fellow citizens that this is what you bargained for and what you are getting? You handed the right all the power from the SCOTUS to Congress and the White House... Now, here are the alternatives (I hope they have some ideas of what to propose - otherwise, they are doomed to the back seat forever)... November 2026 is just around the corner. The mid-term election is not too far away. Some elections in November 2025 will be pointers to what 2026 will bring. The right is not all united. Many people who have been sacked are not from the left... Right and Left have felt the impact of the wrecking ball. Many have lost their means of livelihood - jobs, and some are considering suicide. And those who are yet i...

IBB did Nigeria the Greatest Favor of his Lifetime with his Disclosure About the 1966 D'état

IBB, with his "Maradona" tendency, is playing Nigerians again with some of the content in his book. I have not read it myself, but excerpts from those who have read it show that he absolved the Ndigbos of directly orchestrating the 1966 coup de'tat... even though an Ibo man of Northern extraction (Kaduna Nzeogwu) led the coup, the then Head of State, Ironsi, an Ibo man, was not killed while several officers from the North were killed including the revered Premier of the Northern Region, Alhaji Ahmadu Bello. There were Yoruba officers among the coup plotters, while several Ibos were killed defending Nigeria.   Maybe and maybe IBB has done Nigeria the greatest favor in his evil and horrific life, with all the bad that he did. This assertion may help Nigeria heal finally, move on from the darkest moment in our history, and re-write the wrongs of the last 6 decades that the Ibos have faced. They have been shut out of the seat of power in Nigeria... If an Ibo man quashed the c...

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs were not meant to play a ZERO-SUM game.

For far too long, some groups have been shut out and the field has favored one group of people above others. If you doubt, check the metrics... What is the population of female Americans graduating from four-year degree awarding institutions and check that against the percentage of women CEOs in America. You will see the pendulum tilting towards - male-Caucasians. What DEI has done in the last decade is to ensure that women who meet the criteria of becoming a CEO do not hide, and are not shut out of the hiring process. This is what DEI officers do... DEI does not intentionally create quotas to increase the direct hiring of females, Hispanics, or African Americans... It ensures that all are given an opportunity to compete. Now, do we have instances where quota is created, yes. Even at that, you can wonder if it is justified. Where you have an establishment that makes decisions about women's health that is comprised of men - how is that fair? Or in a situation where 20% of the studen...

Too Little Too Late - IBB Confessed to M.K.O Abiola Won 1993 Election

IBB after 32 years of annulling Chief Abiola's presidential election victory out of cowardice, finally admitted that he was wrong and took full responsibility. Nigerians are quick to forget, and easily forgive. Many IBB's 9 years of evil reign of terror led to the untimely death of many Nigerians and ushered in the worst dictatorship in the history of our country - Abacha's reign. IBB in one sentence, annulled an election that would have made him a hero forever... Posterity will not forget IBB subverted the wishes of ordinary Nigerians because he was a coward. I will not forget though, I may forgive IBB. I voted for the first time in Nigeria in 1993. It was peaceful at my polling boot around Olopomewa Bus Stop, Eleyele Ibadan. The same was reported across the length and breadth of Nigeria... Hope was high, and IBB killed it. Then he ran away, out of fear of Abacha, and left Nigeria to Abacha's torture for another five years, until the divine took Abacha away in a mirac...

Marriage is a marathon, not a sprint...

  Marriage is a marathon.. it is a journey of discovery. But for it to last, parties must continue to work on themselves, so that their partners can find good when they dig. The foundation and the bricks of marriage should be trust, mutual respect, and empathy... I did not mention love because that seems to be nebulous these days... Love is what we should have towards fellow humans.. it should be natural in a marriage relationship... The other points I raised are the reason why many marriages fall apart and some stand the test of time. If you are doing things that hurt your partner and you conclude that that is how you see things. You do not trust his or her decision. You humiliate him/her publicly for reasons best known to you. You do not listen to any correction bcs you were damaged before you got hooked and see every correction as a criticism of your imperfection - so you fight every time you are corrected... you do not value things that are important to him/he...


It will lead to the direct death of millions across the world and provide an inroad for China to replace America where the U.S. has relinquished leadership… I wrote about a senior friend here in the US who passed on Dec 26, 2024. I called him Baba because he was my father's age. He was 87 years old when he passed. One thing that was unique about Baba was that he came to the US in mid-1960 on a USAID scholarship for his master's degree at the University of Maine, Orono. After that, he completed a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University and went back to Nigeria to work for Shell Corporation until 1999 when he retired. During the many labor unrests of the 1990s in Nigeria, Baba decided to send all his children to school in America. They became pharmacists, engineers, economists, writer, etc. Six of them remain in America, and the oldest one settled in England. They are all gainfully employed. They work for big companies in the U.S., they support the growth o...

Are we fighting corruption or aiding it?

This is a dangerous time When you are screaming "we are fighting corruption" while in actual fact, you are aiding and abetting corruption and people who have gone to prison for corruption, who is deceived? The same set of people who handed power over to the person whose single goal is to benefit people who helped him escape prison term.. Everything is now for sale now.... A corrupt governor who tried to sell Obama's Senate seat and went to prison for it is pardoned and can now run for office again... he was called a good man, and man patriotic Americans are called enemies of the state... Allege corrupt Mayor now has charges against him dropped after promising fish... many career prosecutors have resigned because of this... An organization that ensures ordinary citizens are not cheated by sharks within the financial sector is closed... just because the co-president has an alleged vested interest in using a hijacked platform as a financial platform. XXAID - an aid organizat...

State of Global Affairs - Leverage, Transactional and Relationship - Based or Not...

Those who observe global power play closely will realize that almost every country has leverage. The leverage of countries that were deemed insignificant is increasing. This is more true because the world has become a global village, and the bond between nations has been growing, post World War II. Countries who are aware of their leverage use it to their advantage. A case in point is Saudi Arabia (SA), a major ally of the U.S. but also with a strong alliance with the EU, Russia, and China. Post Khashoggi's assassination, SA used its leverage to quench the fallout of this horrific alleged state-sanctioned killing. There were next to zero consequences for MBS - the de facto Prime Minister of SA. He used his countries leverage to his advantage. There is a re-write of the powerful nation's role in fostering peace. Those taking the rein of power in some Western countries are eroding the order that ushered in stupendous prosperity, post WWII. Nationalistic policies are replacing tho...

A leader with a Midas touch

Some people come into your life and leave an indelible mark. They have what is called the Midas touch. Some are friends, some are family, and some are teachers. Such is Prof. Jeremiah Ojediran of Lautech. My first encounter with him was in 1993 during my third year at uni ( LAUTECH ). He thought Metallurgical and Material Engineering. He was so good at teaching the course that he made me fall in love with Metallurgical Engineering....Till today he calls me by my Matriculation number, 260, everywhere he sees me. Don't ask me why....He makes you feel special and seen by amplifying your virtues. He looks out for you. He is one of the reasons I am here today. I was hired at Lautech in 1998 immediately after my national youth service as a junior faculty. I quickly completed a master degree at Uni of Ibadan and was looking for Ph.D. opportunities abroad. When I finally landed one, I needed a letter of support from Lautech for my visa application. It must be signed by the Vice Chancellor...