I wrote about a senior friend here in the US who passed on Dec 26, 2024. I
called him Baba because he was my father's age. He was 87 years old when he
passed. One thing that was unique about Baba was that he came to the US in
mid-1960 on a USAID scholarship for his master's degree at the University of
Maine, Orono. After that, he completed a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from
Iowa State University and went back to Nigeria to work for Shell Corporation
until 1999 when he retired.
During the many labor unrests of the 1990s in Nigeria, Baba decided to send all
his children to school in America. They became pharmacists, engineers,
economists, writer, etc. Six of them remain in America, and the oldest one
settled in England. They are all gainfully employed. They work for big
companies in the U.S., they support the growth of America, they pay taxes, and
contribute to their local communities across different states in the U.S. from
Virginia to Texas, Ohio, Kentucky, Florida, etc.
What is my point? The single investment the U.S. made in the 1960s in a man
they provided scholarship has brought a return of six highly qualified STEM
professionals to the U.S. decades later. USAID does not sponsor terrorism as
alluded to in the media in Nigeria and elsewhere. They are an aid-providing
organization. Many Nigerians have benefited from USAID activities in Nigeria
and beyond. It is all gone… those touched by the demolition of USAID in Nigeria
will say this is devastating to them… Many vaccine campaigns in Nigeria are supported
by USAID, women's genital mutilation effort, childbirth mortality reduction
campaign, rehabilitation of Almajiris, provision of HIV vaccines provision at
zero cost, renovations of schools in some regions in Nigeria, provision of
water, the support for displaced people due to Boko Haram.
The U.S. lawmaker that many people are quoting that mentioned Boko Haram as one
of the terrorist organizations sponsored by USAID used what is called
"hyperbole" in presenting his case. He said the U.S. spent over $600
million in Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power. What he did not
tell the audience was that most of this money went to support humanitarian
activities that cater to the needs of the most vulnerable within Afghanistan
society - children, the sick, and women who have their rights taken by an
extremist Islamist government. He did not tell the audience that U.S., under
Biden, led the effort to freeze ALL Afghanistan assets since they forcefully
took over and have since removed all girl's and women's rights to things such
as education.
Authoritarian leaders such as Maduro of Venezuela, Putin of Russia, Orban of
Hungary, Lukashenko of Belarus, and even our own Kagame of Rwanda are the ones
that are allegedly fueling the DISINFORMATION about USAID. The lawmaker who
made this outlandish claim without a single proof is a MAGA. They are trying to
justify the destruction of an organization that has been used as a soft tool to
turn enemies into friends for decades so that the US can do legitimate business
in these countries where they are represented.
I feel sad because we live in a world now where people believe just anything...
The line between reality and fiction is so thin that even the educated are
deceived. I watched our own Prof. Akinyemi in Nigeria babble conspiracy
theories about locals in Nigeria seeing white men dropping money and weapons
for Boko Haram, and he used the words of the U.S. lawmaker to conclude that
these white men were USAID/Americans who want to destabilize Nigeria because
America does not want Nigeria to be a strong country in Africa... I watched his
comment on Arise TV with complete shock, that an erudite Prof. with many years
of international relations experience can be dissuaded by the Kremlin's
propaganda. Does America destabilize other countries in the words of John
Bolton, former Trump's National Security Adviser, yes, they do... There is ZERO
strategic interest in Nigeria's destabilization for America. America knows that
peace in Nigeria means peace in Africa, and they can do more business here when
there is peace ...
USAID destruction is one of Trump's transactional approaches to leadership. He
is doing the bidding of authoritarian leaders across the world who have called
him the new king in America. Co-President, Musk, is yet to provide one single
tangible proof that there is fraud in USAID. Everybody agrees about that there
is wasteful spending in government... that is not a good reason to axe an
organization that has helped the U.S. sow goodwill across the world. This U.S.
lawmaker's allegation is stretching facts. Money spent by the U.S. through
USAID-funded aid programs, not terrorism or terrorists. It would be foolhardy
for the U.S. to fund a country they just lost trillions of dollars perpetuating
a wasteful war in for 17 years. It just does not make any sense. Why will the
U.S. fund the Taliban or Boko Haram? If you say that Russia which is selling
weapons in Africa has a vested interest in fanning the flame of war, I will
The Chinese have copied a lot of things that made America great. Their support
of infrastructural development in Africa is their way of doing the exact same
thing that the U.S. has been doing through USAID and other aid organizations
like WHO, WFP, UNESCO, etc. that they fund. Now that the U.S. has left the
stage, they have opened the door for China to take over as the world
superpower, using copied and modified American policy to win hearts and minds
across the globe.... We will all see how these destructive policies serve
America in the near future...
It will lead to the direct death of millions across the world
and provide an inroad for China to replace America where the U.S. has
relinquished leadership…
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