A relationship where both parties cannot compromise when conflict arises will not last. If you cannot meet each other in the middle ground and everyone is standing his/her ground and not willing to move to the middle and give something, the relationship will break apart - professional collaboration, marriage, friendship, siblings, congregation, fellowship, communities, nations, etc. Traditions, religious beliefs, culture, laws, self-acquired positions, etc. notwithstanding. Ask peace negotiators, they will tell you this is paramount wisdom in peaceful conflict resolution. Comprise is a hard sell. When you can attain it, life will be better, you will build lasting relationships, and probably will never experience divorce, wars, constant conflict, among others. Are you willing to forgive, are you willing to love unconditionally, are you willing to ignore the mistakes of the past, are you committing to be faithful, will you be trustworthy going forward, are you willing to tel...