Our success in life is dependent on the relationships we build. The critical question is how do you approach a relationship, are you transactional or relational? You often hear the current POTUS say, "in our transaction with them", "they say beautiful things about us", "we gave them so much, now we have stopped because they did not say beautiful things about us", etc. A relationship built on "what can I get from you in return for what I do for you". This is common with rich people when they have money, they have many friends, when they do not have things to share again, even close friends desert them - they become a loner. Many marriages have fallen apart because they are transactional - when she is beautiful, she is my choice, when she grows wrinkles, I find me a new young beautiful one to replace her OR when he has money, he is mine, when he can no longer give the gifts, I find me another husband. Success in business or politics is often dete...