A lot of sub-Saharans Africans do not understand the biff African Americans today have with them. Some of us in the US who emigrated here often wonder why our African American folks do not want to associate with us. I found the answer in what started to happen en mass 400 years ago, in 1619 to be precise, when the first slaves from Africa (mostly from West Africa and central Africa) were shipped worse than chickens in chains and packaged like cargo for a journey across the Atlantic for six to eight weeks. It is estimated that over 12 million Africans were shipped to the Americas over a period of 400 years - most of them died along the way; and they were sold like a commodity to wicked slave masters who treated them less than they treat their pets, and even entrenched it in their first constitution that an African slave is worth only two-third of human. Virile and strong men were reared like one would rear livestock, many were forced to mate with their mothers, sister,s aunts...