Both major parties in the US election tomorrow claim flame and brimstone will descend if they do not win the presidential election... one of the two must be gaslighting the electorates...
I believe in the exceptionalism of America. I trust that my fellow Americans will see beyond the lies in the rhetoric of those who want to take them for a ride and they will vote their conscience (over 80 million have voted already)... they should see through the lies and deception of one of the candidates who appears to be desperate to be president.
I believe only one of the candidates will bring the house down if allowed in again... we see all the fingerprints on the wall with all the promises of retribution, revenge, hate, vindictiveness, chaos, xenophobia, racism, a dictatorial mindset that will set America back over 100 years... There is so much at stake beyond loyalty to one's party. Immigration, the economy, women's rights, and all other key issues in this election will not matter if we lose the freedom on which the foundation was built. If a writing like this could cause people to disappear because someone feels threatened by the truth. When those who speak truth to power will be fearful of those in the White House who could send state apparatus after them just as you find in countries like North Korea, Russia, and China where they are ruled by strong men who have absolute power to do as they wish and cannot be questioned by anyone...
The very foundation of America is threatened today more than any other time in its almost 250-year history... I hope we get it right.
I predict it will be a landslide one way or the other. It is either America gets it critically wrong or gets it critically right... I do not believe it is going to be a close election as the polls show and as many pundits are predicting ....
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