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If the Middle-east is engulfed in fire, it will be Biden's Benghazi. A failure of U.S. foreign policy and an inability to use its powerful muscles to force all parties at war to the table under his watch.

It will be seen as a failure because it was strong in rhetoric but weak in substance. You can not be calling for peace but giving weapons of war to one party. The U.S. did the same in the Iran-Iraq war that lasted for years. This a policy that has failed severally. Support without morality is hypocrisy.

There is not going to be peace when one party thinks they can kill everybody and refuses to abide by all rules of engagement they have accused those they call terrorists of jettison. You can not stoop to the level of low lives who kill children, women, and the elderly.... on the excuse that they use humans as shields.

This situation should not have been escalated if not for the parochial interest of one man who does not want to go to jail for alleged corruption. There should have been a cease-fire in Gaza after decimating Hamas... Those called terrorists have exercised more restraint than the country that was hurt on October 7.

The issue in the Middle East cannot be solved by killing everyone, thinking it will make those rebelling to stop. It will not. It creates more hardened angry people who have next to nothing to loose. I hope Israel will think in the long term and use this opportunity to step back and allow for reconciliation and freedom of their neighbor. The whole Arab world wants prosperity, that is the reason they have not bonded behind the Palestinians to fight off indiscriminate killing... There is so much leverage for Israel to buy long-lasting peace NOW... Unfortunately, that will not happen if the U.S. continues to prop up Netanyahu.

How many more innocent will die on all sides... With the attack from Iran today, Israelis can no longer feel safe to go out, and this thing will just explode or has exploded...


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