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When your support goes to a leader who uses racist epithets to describe you, and you follow him because he lies to you that he is creating jobs for your people. If we go deeper, what type of jobs is he talking about? Here are the types of jobs in his own words paraphrased:

"Biden is a disaster with his border policies - he is letting in thugs and rapists from the south, and you know what, they are taking Black jobs... I have done more for the blacks than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Unemployment was the lowest in my time. Now Biden has opened the border, and they are taking black jobs"

What are black jobs? Low-paying jobs.... Janitorial, construction, housekeeping, cleaners, and auxiliary nurse jobs that require no skills, and keep you in the low class or lower middle class in perpetuity.

This statement and insinuation not only insult the African American community but the Hispanics... All Americans deserve an equal chance at all the opportunities in the land. There is nothing like "the black jobs." It is racist and demeaning for a presidential candidate to make a statement like this. It is similar to the shithole statement, and "we want only "white" people from the Scandinavian countries" statement.

You go vote for a man who thinks the only type of jobs people that look like you deserve are the low-paying jobs, that is your problem. He will create more such jobs for your people and institute policies that will take you back to the Jim Crow era.


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