Here is the deal: 1."NO COLLUSION" BUT: Son-in-law was allegedly exploring back door communication channel with the Russian government during the election. 2. "NO COLLUSION" BUT: Son had a meeting with a Russian operative during the election in a building that belongs to his father and lied about it multiple times. 3. "NO COLLUSION" BUT: Campaign manager at some point shared demographic data with a known person with ties to the Russian government. The same person is going to jail for lying about this, and he is known to be a friend of Russian Oligarch. 4. "NO COLLUSION" BUT: Three people in the campaign were convicted of lying to the FBI about their contact with the Russians during the election. 5. "NO COLLUSION" BUT: Personal attorney is going to jail for lying about a Russian deal that continued till the month of the election. 6. "NO COLLUSION" BUT: The first senator that endorsed him and later became his first Att...