When you cannot question the leadership of an organization without fear of retribution, then you are in a cult... That is the feeling in some churches. If you dare speak the truth to the so called "men of God," you will become an outcast and a pariah immediately... These abusers hide under, "touch not my anointed" - who said the rest of us who are not anointed? They also hide under "rebuke not an elder," they forgot Paul rebuked Peter publicly not long after he was converted when Peter would not eat with the Gentiles.... Many read the bible upside down to control and abuse the flock God asked them to tend for him.
This is why many people suffer in silence in many religious organizations, especially the church. They are afraid of being blacklisted if they challenge the "authority." It is so bad that many will rather keep quiet, and not associate with, support, or care for those being abused for fear of being accused of going against the anointed man in support of a "rebellious" member. They act as if they own their congregation...
I owe no man nothing, irrespective of your status in the church, other than to love you (Romans 13:8)... part of it includes telling you the truth you do not want to hear...
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