This is a very long piece. If you want some tips on how to maintain good health, post your 50s, it is a must-read... Life expectancy in Nigeria is a paltry 52 years. It is one of the lowest in the world, one of the lowest in Africa. People die young everywhere. There are certain causes of death that are beyond our control as human... Death is eminent but... I mean but... There are a few things we can do as soon as we hit our 40s and 50s that can help prolong our lives. Our lifestyle and diet. What we put in our mouth, and how and type of exercise we do. You do not need a gym membership to exercise, nor do you need to spend tons of money to eat healthy. You need information that will guide you. I am not an expert dietitian or an exercise specialist. I am in my 50s, and I am a food professional, so, I write from a position of knowledge and experience. Beyond a certain age, you need to refrain from certain types of foods if you want to live long. Sugary foods (coke, Pepsi, sweetened...