Decades of policies that have helped to re-write centuries of systemic and intentional deprivation and racism are being erased by activist justices strategically installed by a section of Americans society who want to maintain the status quo where minority, who have next to zero wealth to pass down to generations because of perpetual poverty, are kept under.... The wealth gap instigated by quality education is part of what births Affirmative Action. The average asset of a Caucasian family in America is 8 times that of their African American counterpart and transferred generational wealth is 5 times more with an average Caucasian than for a black man, we know why and it was partly addressed ..... Having worked in an American higher institution for almost a decade, I can't explain enough the importance of diversity and inclusion.... What it does to enrollment and retention. Those who know the American educational system well will tell you that your zip code determines the quality of ...