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Showing posts from August, 2019

Nigerians Need a Mindset Revolution

Beyond the change of leadership; beyond another election; irrespective of the age of the leaders; change can only come to a people when majority operate with a single mindset that what we do with every opportunity that comes our way will affect us now and the posterity. We will be compelled, to at least, try to make all the right choices. This common mindset will make us be pragmatic and objective when deciding on who to vote for. It will inform our daily decision in our businesses, in our public service, in our religious obligations, in our community service, in our public service. We cannot expect a change in our country, while we wish in the deepest part of our heart that we are part of a government that is reckless in handling public resources and property. If you are seeking public office, what is your true motivation? If ordinary people and citizens are not ready to jettison the old culture of feeding on the national cake at every opportunity,...


Your character cannot be molded when you live far away from civilization. If you only talk and relate to people who share your faith, of the same ethnic group or who look like you, you really do not know yourself yet. This is a common denominator among some people of faith and people who live in isolation (rural area, small town, etc). The day they step out of their comfort zone is the day they realize all they have been doing is nothing but lip service to uprightness, righteousness, to godliness, to patriotism, etc. - they are not tested at all. They go on a journey of self-discovery the day they start their first job, travel out of their school, have a vacation in a country that is not theirs or went to school abroad and lives among people who do not share their values. All the theory of faith, righteousness, patience, kindness, forbearing and humility are tested - many fails. Foolish ones blame others, while wise ones take a step backward and take a conscious step to begin to deve...