I AM NOT BLACK - those who call people from sub-Saharan Africa black are incorrect. I am from sub-Saharan Africa and the color of my skin is NOT black, it is brown. I think my teachers in elementary school taught me color well to differentiate between brown and black. And there are NO white people - there are pink, light skinned people. White is different from pink. We all know white is synonymous with goodness and positivity, and black with evil and poor quality. Calling people who are brown black and those who are pink white has an underlining of racism. Brown skinned Africans are not people of color either, they are brown people - period. The only colored people I know are pink-light skinned people whose skin color change under different conditions - very pink when is it cold, black when hit with a blow, red when angry, etc. Pink color people keep changing the color of their skin at every instance. Please call me no black man, I am brown and some of my friends from Africa have light skin I could call them yellow. Why depict/ tag people by the color of their skin really - we are all the same from underneath our skin. Where you are born and the opportunities that come your way have great influence on how you turn out. Africa would have developed more than where it is today if not for the the interruption of colonial master - that is a topic for another day. I am not black, I am not a person of color, I am brown, I am African - PERIOD!
By Akinbode Adedeji December 20, 2014.
See Also: https://www.facebook.com/notes/akinbode-a-adedeji/i-am-not-black/10152502706028456
Communism died, and capitalism survived. Capitalism is a supposed system that allows freeness in an economy - market forces in the hands of private owners control what happens to the economy with minimal influence by the state. Capitalism has produced enormous wealth in the West. There are so many millionaires and billionaires. The question is, what is the ratio of the stupendously rich and those who are just scraping by - living from pay check-to-pay check? The gap is huge between the rich and the poor in most capitalist states. When President Trump was going to deliver his tax reform, it favored the rich with about 80% of the tax benefits going to the top 1% richest people in America. The argument was that they create jobs, they should benefit more - money is being given to those who really do not need the extra cash but those who need it the most, aids is been taken away from people who are at the bottom of the ladder because of a few who lie on their social welfare claims. I h...
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