Misinformation, religious conspiracy and foolhardiness fueling the spread of SARS-CoV-2 aka Coronavirus in Nigeria
Since November 2020, SEVEN of my friends have lost their parents in sicknesses that showed symptoms similar to coronavirus but none has accepted that there was a possibility that these people actually died from infection with this dreaded disease. About 6 weeks ago, some Nigerian preachers were berating Bill Gates for his earlier projection that people will die on the streets in Africa (not sure if Gates said this - so many lies have been attributed to Gates since covid-19 started snuffing life out of people), they claimed Nigerians have special grace that protect them from coronavirus – I ask them, why can’t the same grace cover Nigerians from other diseases that make Nigeria one of the worst places for infant mortality and with a life expectancy of 53 years. The reality of SARS-CoV-2 spread is starring many in the face and only those who have been touched can truly lament. Here is the story of my encounter with coronavirus when I visited Nigeria late last year. I traveled h...