The word "democracy", just like many English words emanated from the Greek word "demos-kratia", which means "the people rules". The big question is, are we practicing democracy in Nigeria or "demon-crazy" just as Fela alluded to? From political party primaries to local, state, and national elections, what we see is selection, imposition, and rigging of a monumental level. Godfatherism is an integral part of our political system - what is the difference between godfatherism and autocratic military rule? When the wish and will of the people is subverted by a few greedy people who think the rest of us are idiots and stupid, so, they can continue to decide for us. This is a culture that our people learned from the colonial masters but the master never practiced godfatherism like we do because of democracy - they have power brokers and people who lobby, and these people are not perpetual rulers and their power is checked by free and fair election. Man...