In about 20 years, almost 50% of the job titles/type currently available in the West would have disappeared and replaced with new and emerging jobs. This is very obvious in the manufacturing sector where robots are replacing humans and the projection is that US will lose another 1 million jobs in this sector by 2026. How are we to prepare for this impending change? How should college-age students pursue a career path, how should our universities respond to this change and how should government policies reflect these changes in order not to leave anyone behind? The disruption/ "revolution" (my Nigerian folks, this is another way to use this word) ushered in by IoT (internet of things) and now, artificial intelligence (AI) is naturally liquidating certain jobs - robotics, drones, 5G technology, powerful sensors, wireless technology, molecular biology/biochemistry, etc. 1. Individuals are now able to own their own TV station on YouTube free of charge and are monetizing their e...