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Showing posts from August, 2018

Idolatory in the house of God in Nigeria

Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" If I returned to Nigeria today, I will not fit in to many of the current Evangelical - Pentecostal church system because of what I call IDOLATRY. I did not just suddenly develop this mindset, I have always been like this and some in my former church in Nigeria called me "proud" because I would not submit to human worship. Those who knew me would attest I have never disrespected any human authority in the church anywhere but I have never submitted my destiny into the hands of any man as is often demanded of many Christians in Nigeria. Some of my friends would attest to some of my predictions about the outcome of the WITCHCRAFT (effort to control the lives of others for selfish gain) that was (and is still) prevalent in many churches in Nigeria. They put other people's children under bondage and let loose their own - many lives have been ruined, many marriages destroyed, many potential relationship we...