The evangelicals in America called Obama the anti-Christ (because of his big ears) but call Donald Trump a Saint - can you imagine - an irony. They said Trump is like King Cyrus but Obama is the devil - they touted a conspiracy that Obama was going to implant Americans with chips as a fulfillment of the prophecy in the book of revelation - I asked them how many Americans were implanted with chips when Obama was president? Where is the fulfillment of the anti-christ prophecy because Obama is no longer the president of America so he cannot influence anything again. The Cyrus analogy is completely bogus. They draw a parallel between what Cyrus did by ending the captivity of Israelite in Babylon and liken the declaration of by Trump to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as an action similar to that of Cyrus - moving US embassy to Jerusalem means nothing in the dispensation of grace occasioned by the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. The most important symbolic sign of th...