Those of us old enough to remember the first term of Buhari-Idiagbon regime between 1984 and 1985 would have countless stories of hardship that Nigerians faced during that era. Aside from political cleansing, civil servants salary were not paid for many months. Both of my parents were civil servants. I remember waking up many morning seeing my father helpless as to how to find food to feed us. Thank God we had some farms and planted lots of cassava. It was because of that experience that I dislike eating LAFUN till today because I ate more than enough of it. It was the easiest and cheapest cassava staple food to make. The suffering of that time is in no way comparable to the suffering civil servants and pensioners are facing today, and invariably most Nigerians in one way or the other. Many have not been paid salary in upward of 6 - 12 months in some states. Pensioners are no different, in fact they are the most neglected because they are no longer in active service so there is no w...