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Showing posts from August, 2015

The temptation to drift into atheism and life in the West.

The temptation to drift into atheism and life in the West. The temptation to fall into atheism increases when you live in and raise your child(ren) in an environment where things seem to work. These are typical questions: What do I need God for if I can work hard, earn honest living without bending anything; if there is God why is He watching while evil people are killing innocent people, why do Christians suffer the same ill and misfortune as non-christians, etc. The West that many see as the land of pl e ntiful opportunity is not without its own shortcomings that needs g odly intervention - what seem to be an absence of evil and devil is nothing but a disguise of reality. There are as many strange ills here as there are in other places like East Asi a, South America or Africa. One that comes to mind is racism. I cannot fathom why another human being will think he is superior to others (this is what drove Hitler and Germany to their ruin in the early 20th century). The...

Progressive and Conservative as Defined by Carly Fiorina, GOP only Female Presidential Candidate for 2016 election.

I heard the only female GOP (Republican) presidential candidate define and differentiate between Conservative and Progressive political inclination, and I was shocked when I heard what she has to say. Carly Fiorina was former disgraced CEO of Fortune 50 Company, HP. She led a merger between HP and Compaq that cost loss of about 30,000 jobs because the company shipped some of the jobs abroad to China and elsewhere. She has been “successful” in the management world by leading horrific mergers like this that led to poverty for millions of Americans. I am commenting because, if as a taxpayer in the US, someone like this is seeking the position of the president, we better beware. This has nothing to do with her being a female candidate. In fact, if I did not know her story, I would have tipped her as a frontline candidate based on the first GOP presidential debate. Her actual comments: “I’m a conservative because I know that no one of us is any better than any other one of us,”...