We very quickly react with disgust when we hear others misstep, we abhor the people caught and act as if we are angels who has no fault. I look with dismay when politicians react to one of their own caught either in sexual sin or financial mismanagement. We see this same behavior when news is going round about kids misbehaving or crime committed. When you point an accusing finger, you should look at the direction of the remaining four fingers, it is in your direction. Christ said to the people who gathered to stone Mary Magdalene, “he who has no sin should be the first to cast a stone against this woman”, paraphrasing. Compassion and mercy should be the mindset and attitude when people are shown / caught misbehaving. If it is possible to x-ray everybody’s misdeeds, no one will be left without a badge of discredit. When others are not watching, you know what you say; if things you imagine in your heart is spoken out, will it not show you as devil’s incarnate; what you do when oth...